At Ashby Thelen Lowry, our Atlanta personal injury attorneys know the warmer summer weather encourages more people to spend time outdoors, including walking, jogging, and playing in neighborhood streets.

The summer months also mean school vacations, which means more children playing outside, in front and back yards, in driveways, often near or on streets, increasing the risk of dangerous incidents throughout Georgia.Pedestrian Injuries

Here, we discuss why there is an increased risk of pedestrian incidents and injuries in Georgia neighborhoods.

Georgia Pedestrian Injuries Inherently Increase in the Summertime

The summer months lead to an increased risk of pedestrian incidents in Georgia neighborhoods due to a combination of factors. By understanding these factors communities can work to reduce the incidence of pedestrian injuries and improve safety for everyone.

They include:

  • Tourism, Visitors & Events

Georgia attracts more than 1.3 million international visitors annually. Tourism, a $63 billion industry for the state, drives significant business growth and increases revenue for Georgian companies.

Summer is the season for local events, fairs, and festivals, drawing large crowds. These events often take place near streets, increasing pedestrian traffic and the likelihood of injury incidents.

Summer is also a peak travel time, bringing tourists to Georgia’s cities and neighborhoods. Popular tourist areas and local attractions see a surge in pedestrian activity, heightening the likelihood of pedestrian-vehicle interactions.

In addition, unfamiliarity with local traffic patterns and pedestrian behaviors can increase the risk of incidents involving residents and visitors on foot.

  • Longer Daylight Hours

Longer days mean people are out later in the evening, increasing pedestrian activity during times when drivers might be less vigilant. In addition, pedestrians may be less visible during dawn and dusk, times when lighting conditions can be tricky for drivers.

  • Driver Behavior

With more activities and distractions in the summer, drivers might be less attentive. This includes using mobile phones, adjusting GPS, or interacting with passengers.

In addition, drivers may speed more frequently in residential areas, especially if they are in a hurry to get to summer events or destinations. Unfortunately, mean drivers also forget that kids are at play in neighborhoods throughout Georgia in the summer months, because they are not used to seeing them during the school year. This can lead to tragic incidents involving children being struck by vehicles in residential areas.

Finally. summer events often involve alcohol consumption, leading to an increase in impaired driving. Drunk drivers are less likely to notice and react appropriately to pedestrians, causing significant crashes that lead to catastrophic injuries.

If you are a Georgia resident or visitor, and have been injured by another person or party’s negligence, contact our skilled Atlanta personal injury lawyers and support team at Ashby Thelen Lowry at (404) 777-7771 to schedule a free consultation. This initial step will ensure your rights are protected and enable you to make informed decisions about the direction of your claim.

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