At Ashby Thelen Lowry, our Georgia vehicle collision lawyers know the tragic statistics associated with teen drivers nationwide.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported teen drivers between the ages of 16 and 19 are almost three times more likely to be in a fatal crash than drivers aged 20 or older.

Last year alone, teen driver and occupant deaths increased for the second consecutive year, up 11.2% to 2,723 from 2,448 the previous year.

The reality is that teenage driver crashes tend to be higher than other age groups for several reasons, which is not unique to Georgia.

Here are some factors contributing to teenage drivers’ higher incident rates.

Teenage Drivers Crashes Rate

Significant Factors that Contribute to the Higher Collision Rates Among Teenage Drivers

Teenagers often face higher crash rates compared to other age groups due to a combination of behavioral, psychological, and developmental factors.

Here are some significant factors that contribute to their higher collision rates:

  • Inexperience

Teenagers, especially those who have recently obtained their driver’s licenses, lack the experience that comes with years of driving. Inexperienced drivers may struggle to anticipate and react to various road situations.

  • Risk-Taking Behavior

Adolescents are more prone to risk-taking behavior. This can include speeding, not wearing seat belts, and engaging in distracted driving activities like texting or talking on the phone while driving.

  • Peer Influence

Teenagers often drive with friends in the car. The presence of peers can contribute to distraction and may encourage riskier driving behavior.

  • Impaired Decision-Making

The teenage brain is still developing, particularly in decision-making and impulse control. This can affect a teenager’s ability to make sound judgments while driving.

  • Nighttime Driving

Teenagers are more likely to be involved in crashes during nighttime hours. Limited visibility and less experience driving in the dark can contribute to higher risks.

  • Driver Education Gaps

The quality of driver education programs can vary, and some teenagers may not receive adequate training on defensive driving skills, understanding traffic rules, and managing difficult driving conditions.

Efforts to address these issues include improved driver education, graduated driver licensing programs, increased awareness of the dangers of distracted driving, and community outreach programs. Practical education, positive role models, and ongoing support can help mitigate the risks associated with teenage driving.

Who is Liable for a Georgia Traffic Crash with Injuries Caused by a Negligent Teen Driver?

Georgia teenage drivers are required to carry vehicle insurance just like everyone else. While there may be some concern about their age vs. coverage factors, most teenagers are either driving a vehicle that is registered to their parents – and thereby insured by their parents – or they are added to their parent’s insurance coverage to avoid the high costs of insuring their vehicles at a young, inexperienced driving age.

Either way, their insurance coverage can be pursued just as any other driver’s insurance would be under the same crash circumstances.

If you have been injured or lost a loved one in a collision caused by a negligent teenage driver, contact our skilled Georgia personal injury attorneys and support team at Ashby Thelen Lowry today at (404) 777-7771 to schedule a free consultation so we can tell your story and ensure your voice is heard by pursuing the best outcome for your unique case.

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